Woodland Church

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Pastoral letter, from Lisa

Time has gone by so fast in the past years, this week marks my sixth anniversary at Woodland, even though I have been a member for eleven years. I am so blessed to be here and doing a job that I love. Thank you to all who have encouraged me and have given me support over these past years. I truly can’t imagine working anywhere else.

PassportKids is one of my favorite times of the year. This Saturday, July 27, we are leaving for our annual trip to Preteen Camp in Brownwood, Texas. God has blessed our church so much over the past years. When I took my first group of children to Passport Kids Camp, we only took six or seven. This year we are taking eleven children and four adults. The theme for camp this year is “Come to the Water.”

The campers will be learning about how the Bible uses images of water to help them understand more about who God is and how to trust in the Living Water. They will discover the power and the presence of God’s Spirit in their lives can feel like rain on a dusty garden. “All of you who are thirsty, come to the water!” Isaiah 55:1a I don’t know about you, but I am excited to see what God has in store for our campers this year at camp. I wonder what you do when you are so thirsty and come to the water. Please pray for us while we are at camp. 

The Children’s Ministry is thriving and growing. This year, both the Children and the Youth will be focusing the passage Micah 6:8b, “but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.” We want to explore what these phrases mean and how they can use them in their own lives today.

Have an awesome week.

Lisa Shinkins
Minister to Children
Administrative Coordinator