Woodland Church

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Pastoral letter, from Garrett

This Sunday marks the beginning of a unique and special time for me- a 2-month sabbatical. Woodland graciously offers a sabbatical leave to its ministers after six years of full-time service. Sabbaticals are rare. We might even say they are strange. Most jobs don’t offer this unique benefit. Then again, church life is peculiar, and that’s a good thing. 

One of the most significant ways churches should be different from “secular” institutions is our understanding and experience of time. After all, before God created anything with “matter,” God created time— the “evening” and “morning” of the first day. This is a holy time for renewal. 

Thanks to the dedication and capacity of our staff and lay leaders, the church’s programs will continue to run smoothly during my sabbatical. This is a time to appreciate the abundance of leaders we have at Woodland. Their commitment ensures the continuity of our church's activities, giving us all a sense of reassurance and confidence. 

Mike Massar and Jana Morga will work with the Church Council. Lance Mayes is working closely with our deacons. Lance will also help coordinate pastoral care with our ministry staff. Jeni Cook Furr and Conrad Navarro will help lead communion in worship this summer. 

Each week, you will hear from a different staff member or lay leader in the weekly This Week at Woodland email (& letter). This will continue to be a great way to keep up with what’s going on in the life of the church.

The two ongoing projects we are working on right now are the renovation and the 2025 Budget. The Finance Committee will work with ministry teams and committees over the next two months on the 2025 Budget. Edie Dutton is chairing the Renovation Committee. We will have our 2nd meeting on Sunday after worship. She will keep me in the loop over the next two months. 

I will spend the next few weeks in the mountains of North Carolina with my family. I have a brother and sister who have graciously invited us to invade their mountain homes. In August, Cameron and I (just last week) made plans to go to Italy. We will spend about a week in Florence and a few days in Rome. Cameron spent a semester studying in Florence while she was in college. I have some work to do this summer for my doctoral studies, but I look forward to reading, hiking, and praying. 
 Grace and peace,