Christian Assistance Ministry

Volunteers meet regularly to make sack lunches for people experiencing homelessness. You can help! These sack lunches are dropped off at CAM (Christian Assistance Ministry), and CAM distributes them.

Beginning in July 2023, we began purchasing all items placed in the bags instead of taking donations. So, we need cash donations to the CAM/Homeless Ministry Designated Account. You can give online here. We use this money to purchase items for the bags. If the balance grows sufficiently, we will purchase non-food items that CAM needs, such as shoes, hoodies, underwear, and socks.

The Woodland CAM Ministry Team packs 500 bags once a month and delivers 250 bags twice a month to CAM (this is their request). CAM adds a sandwich to the bag and on Monday through Saturday from 9-11 am, they pass the bags out to their homeless clients.

They put chips, cookies/granola bar, peanut butter crackers, fruit cup, Bible verse strip, napkin, hard candy in the bags.

Fill out the form below to find out how you can help.