
At Woodland, we try to be a people of hope seeking in all our gatherings, all our words, and all our acts to proclaim Christ’s love. We believe to do so, we need to listen to God, share with each other, and get organized. Ministry Teams are not governing boards. Ministry Teams are spiritual groups made up of disciples of Christ who meet together to pray, get to know each other, and carry out the work of the church.

As Teams and as a church, we want to invite, transform, and send out disciples. To do that, we need Teams to work together and pray together. We believe that if we are listening to God’s call together, we will better be able to discern God’s vision for ministry through the people of Woodland.

  • Alzheimer's Caregivers' Support Group

    Please join us — and know that you are not alone in this! Meets the fourth Sunday of the month from 12 noon to 2:00 pm, in the Conference Room. Questions? Contact Doralee Shannon. Read more…

  • Bereavement Ministry

    The Bereavement Ministry serves to support and comfort individuals following the loss of a family member by providing an opportunity for the family and friends to gather at a reception More information…

  • Building Bridges

    Our purpose is developing and maintaining relationships with persons who need some extra
    Tender Loving Care (TLC) at Woodland. TLC are members of our Woodland family of faith who are unable to attend due to health and/or aging issues. Read more

  • English as a Second Language (ESL)

    Woodland offers multiple levels of ESL classes, ranging from beginner to advanced. All new students must take a Placement Test. Contact Diana Bridges for questions. Read more…

  • Grief Ministry

    Grief is the price one pays for loving and being loved. The Grief Ministry offers support to members of Woodland and our community. Read more here. Questions? Contact Lee Weems.

  • LifeTimers

    We are “Living Life Fully for the Time God Gives us.” Click here for full information. LifeTimers meet on the third Thursday of each month in Maresh Hall. Contact Linda Mason or Kay Morrison with questions.

  • Men's Prayer Breakfast

    The Men’s Prayer Breakfast, aka “The Biscuit Boys,” is a men’s group that meets each Wednesday morning, rain or shine. Come and join us for prayer, a devotional, and a breakfast of bacon, eggs, and biscuits. Contact Joel Kirn.

  • Ushers

    The Woodland Usher Team is a ministry of the Outreach Committee. We are the first faces people see when they enter Woodland Church buildings. Interested? Email Mary Son or text her. Read more…

  • Widows & Widowers Support Group

    The Widows and Widowers Support Group meets four times a year. It’s a place where we can openly grieve and talk about our loss with others who truly understand. Contact Doralee Shannon for more information.

  • WOW Book Club

    The WOW (Women of Woodland) Book Club reading season kicks off the first Friday in August with book nominations from which we select nine books. Read more…