Woodland Kids

Sunday School

  • Infants to Two Years Old

    Newborns, Toddlers, and Two-year-olds are in the Nursery in the Sanctuary Building. Leaders are Kala Collins, Erin Neely, Cynthia Reyna and Nazareth Saavedra, Chrissy Armstrong, Allison McGrath, Kara Garcia, and Mirella Spradlin.

  • Three Years to Kindergarten

    Three-year-olds, Pre-K, and Kindergarten in the Nursery area in the Sanctuary Building with Beverly Dugas and Lisa Massar.

  • First and Second Graders

    First and Second Graders are in the Sanctuary Building, Children’s Center, Room 120, with Cameron Taylor and Linda Taylor.

  • Third through Fifth Graders

    Third through Fifth Graders will temporarily meet for a few months in the Youth Center, Room 210 with Erica Hanchey and Kieran Shinkins.