Give to Woodland Church
Tithes and offerings support the mission of Woodland — We are a people of hope, proclaiming the love of Christ. This mission guides us as we live this out as Woodland Church in all we do: from children’s and student ministries to maintaining buildings to Christian discipleship to serving the homeless and so much more.
You can give to Woodland in several ways.
Online. Give through our online giving platform, Vanco/Realm. You will be given the option to help offset processing costs — for credit and debit donations 2.8% and for ACH donations 1%. If you choose to help offset, that amount is also deductible on your taxes. Yes, you can set up automatic-recurring giving.
Through your bank. Use your bank’s method for sending money to Woodland.
Mail a check to Woodland. We have a locked mailbox to help protect our mail.
Woodland Church
15315 Huebner Rd
San Antonio TX 78248
Thank you so much for helping and for your generosity!