Lois Gagné

In the heart of a French-Canadian mining town in northern Quebec, young Lois Gagné discovered her musical talent in her father's Baptist congregation at age 9. Under the guidance of Monique Collett-Samyn at a nearby music conservatory, her passion blossomed, leading her to become the church pianist by age 12.

After pursuing her studies in Montreal and finding love with Paul, Lois dedicated 20 years to teaching music at Roslyn Elementary in Westmount, Quebec. In 2003, they moved to San Antonio, where Lois continued her musical endeavors, including leading youth choir mission tours and nurturing the San Antonio Youth Chorale.

Joining Woodland in 2006, Lois's ministry expanded, and in 2012, she became the church pianist. In March 2019, she and Paul became proud American citizens, their journey marked by God's faithfulness.

Together with their sons Benjamin and Gabriel and grandson Jacob, Lois and Paul found belonging and joy in the Woodland community, sharing in worship and fellowship.