Woodland Church

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Pastoral letter, from Mike

Dear Woodland, 

One of the things I thoroughly enjoy is going to an art exhibit with our daughter, Meredith, who is an art historian. She will guide me through the show and point out paintings and techniques that I could have very easily missed noticing, not only for their beauty but their meaning. I'm going to take my cue from her today and point out some things that are happening or about to happen in our church.
Yesterday, several things were worth noting — (1) Our summer Bible study for adults, "Calling," is not only helping us know some of our fellow Woodlanders better, but also encouraging each of us to appreciate our own sense of God’s meaning and purpose in our lives. Yesterday’s lesson featured an eye-opening time with Jeni and Ray Cook Furr, and we look forward to this coming week’s interview with Jana and her husband Dave Morga. (2) Worship was most meaningful. Conrad Navarro's sermon was captivating and insightful; and the SAYC choir's amazing music called our attention to the Spirit in our midst. (As an aside, what an innovative outreach Randy, Daniel and others have provided by bringing these talented young people into worship and other experiences that they might never have otherwise, exposing them to the Gospel in new and life-changing ways. Thank God for that!) (3) Our deacons met to assist in "taking care" of the church. By the way, next Sunday there will be a special called business meeting immediately following worship to elect a committee to choose new deacons. (4) Our youth took off for a week at camp, which holds promise for all kinds of significant encounters. Please remember them in prayer during the next few days.
And that was just last Sunday's exhibit! In just the next month or so future displays depicting various perspectives of the church will be offered — Vacation Bible School’s new evening format is being planned with enthusiasm and creativity; the Oikonomos Ministry Team will conduct another Called2Recycle, encouraging us all to recycle household batteries; the SAYC Choir will tour and perform in New York City; and so much more.
I am encouraged and enthused by the wonderful pictures of the church. I trust you will not only observe but get in the picture yourself.

Your docent for the week,