Pastoral letter, from Garrett

The youth take over the church for Lunch and Games this Friday at 11 a.m. If you want to come officiate a Gaga ball game talk to Jana. Otherwise, watch out if you’re around the campus on Friday. We are two weeks away from Vacation Bible School. VBS is at night this year for the first time in over 20 years. Since next week is Independence Day, now is the time to make your VBS plans. Register now. Volunteer today. Contact Lisa if you have any questions. It should be a great event. Our dedicated renovation committee had its inaugural meeting last Sunday. We are meeting again this coming Sunday, eager to embark on the exciting journey of renovating the sanctuary. The committee, with Edie Dutton as its chair, is committed to keeping the congregation updated at least monthly. They know how important your involvement and support are for the success of this project.We are at the initial stages of planning for the 2025 budget, a crucial task that requires the collective effort of all. Committees are currently working on their budgets. If you have any ideas or questions about the budget, we encourage you to reach out to anyone on the finance committee. This is also the perfect time to share your ideas for ministries with the respective teams and committees. If you're interested in serving on a committee, we invite you to consider talking with the committee on committees.  This is my last pastoral letter before my sabbatical. The next 9 letters will be from staff and lay leaders. I’ll preach this Sunday (June 30). Then, I will not be preaching again until September. I will send out more information about the next two months later this week. We have a great group of preachers lined up for Sunday mornings. And because this is a church where every member is a minister, the work of the church will go on. 

Grace and Peace,


Pastoral letter, from Garrett


Pastoral letter, from Garrett