
An Eco Stewardship Ministry

“Oikonomos” (οἰκονόμος) is the Greek word for stewardship; and it is the name of a new initiative in ministry at Woodland which calls attention to our Christian responsibility (“stewardship”) to God’s earth. In 2021 Woodland embarked on an emphasis to develop a formal ministry of being stewards of God’s creation. If you have interest in this ministry, please contact Mike Massar.

ReWorksSA Silver Certified

Woodland received Silver Certification from ReWorksSA for our efforts in eco-stewardship. The certification is based on a point system and passing a site inspection. We are working in the areas of recycling, energy and water conservation, and gardening. We are in process of replacing all of our Styrofoam paper goods to using plates made from sugar cane, cold cups made from PLA plastic (made from renewable, organic sources like corn starch and sugar cane instead of fossil fuels), and hot cups made from paper and PLA plastic. Utensils are also made from PLA plastic.

And, we are not stopping here! There are two more levels we can achieve — gold and pinnacle (which is designated as a sustainability champion).

Woodland was named the C3 (Christians Caring for Creation) Foundation’s “National Church of the Year” for its work in environmental stewardship. 

Thanks for everyone working together to make this happen. It is good for Woodland to be an example of good stewardship of all of God’s creation.

We are out to change the world.

Will you join us?

The Green Scene at Woodland

Caring for Creation Together

Oikonomos Tips

The Oikonomos Ministry Team believes that environmental stewardship is a spiritual responsibility for all of us, and we would like to learn from our church family about what we’re all doing personally to care for God’s gift of Creation.

Please share with us your tips on:

  • Sustainable/recyclable products you’re using

  • Water/energy-saving ideas

  • Indigenous plants and animals/landscaping practices

  • Healthy food sources and recipes

  • “Kindred Spirit” businesses you support

  • Local non-profit efforts you support or serve

Send your tips to Mike Massar on the form to the right. We’ll assemble them and share in Woodland’s newsletter. Thank you for having already joined us in this journey of gratitude and purpose!

“I want to be famous
in the way a pulley is famous,
or a buttonhole,
not because it did anything spectacular,
but because it never forgot
what it could do.” 

Naomi Shihab Nye, San Antonio poet

Share your Oikonomos Tips here