Women in Action

Women in Action is a women’s ministry group that allows us to use our hands to serve others in our community and throughout the world.

Find out more from Becky Miller or Linda Mason.

There is always a place for you!

We seek opportunities that allow us to use our hands in service to others; these opportunities often find us when we least expect them.

Join us and add your hands to ours!

We meet on the third Monday of each month in Maresh Hall to prepare Days for Girls kits or Hygiene kits.

Women in Action
2025 Schedule

January 13 Hygiene Kit Prep
February 17 Teddy Bears
March 17 Teddy Bears
April 28 Hygiene Kit Prep
May 19 Teddy Bears
June 16 Days for Girls work
July 21 Project to be determined
August 18 Hygiene Kit Prep
September 15 Days for Girls works
October 20 Teddy Bears
November 17 Project to be determined
December 15 No meeting

A History of Women in Action

We started in 2008 to help meet a need for birthing kits to ensure that women in underdeveloped countries had what they needed for a clean, safe birthing experience.

  • May, 2008 to September, 2014: 2500 birthing kits were shipped to Africa, South America, and Haiti.

When the cost of shipping made this project unsustainable, we discovered a need for hygiene kits here in San Antonio.

  • January, 2015-present: 2800 hygiene kits have been distributed to the Men’s Rescue Mission, Battered Women’s Shelter, and SAMM Family Shelter.

  • In 2021, we started making special hygiene packets for the fifth-grade teachers at Larkspur Elementary to distribute as needed.

In 2015, we committed to the Lala Salama Project to provide hand-made quilts to adorn the new children’s wing at Bethany Kids Hospital in Kijabe, Kenya.

  • January to March, 2016: We created six quilts to send to the hospital. They are still decorating the walls in an otherwise drab environment.

In 2016, we learned about Days for Girls, an organization that provides young girls with a bag containing washable menstrual supplies. Without these supplies, many girls could not attend school during their periods. These kits are sent to many impoverished areas of the world. They are given to the girls by a health care worker who provides education on feminine hygiene.

  • We have sent 150 kits and many more are in progress.

For the last two Christmases, we have assisted the Christian Assistance Ministry by providing gifts for teen-aged girls, giving over 100 gifts each year.

In August, we purchased and packed 26 backpacks for students at Larkspur Elementary who would not have been able to purchase these supplies.