
This ministry team is open to all! Contact Lance to find out how to join us.

The command from Scripture is that we do justice and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. In a time that needs a positive, affirmative voice for justice, we can lift up voices that are have not been heard. Through the development of Woodland’s Advocacy Ministry Team, we will have a direct impact on our community.

Our aim is to learn, invite and equip others, and work
to transform unjust, broken systems.

We have training videos called Amplify, a four-part series from CBF Advocacy. This training is available on our Google Classroom (contact Lance if you want an invitation to view it.) You will learn new ways to demonstrate the love of Christ by addressing systemic causes of problems.

Texas Advocacy Day

When the Texas Legislature is in session, we go to Austin to receive training from Fellowship Southwest and the opportunity to visit with our state representatives. Learn more about Advocacy Day here.

In 2023, the day was filled with networking, breakout sessions with key leaders, worship, and visits with Texas legislators. The breakout sessions included public education, immigration, hunger, and criminal justice/death penalty.


Voting is a Matter of FAITH, CITIZENSHIP, and DEMOCRACY

It is a kind of prayer and faithful testament to the belief that every citizen bears a responsibility and equal right to determine the future of governance in society. Learn more about exercising your right to vote on this page.

Next Election Date: Tuesday, November. 5, 2024

Last Day to Register to Vote: Monday, October 2, 2024
Early Voting: Monday, October 21, 2024 - Friday, November 1, 2024

Click to find out if you are registered to vote, what is on the ballot, and more.


You can make your voice heard on what matters to you. As a constituent, you can contact local, state, and federal people who represent you to have your voice heard.