Pastoral letter, from Garrett

Today is the sixth day of Christmas. Six geese a-laying! There weren't any birds on my Christmas list this year. Geese are stubborn and loud. For Celtic Christians, geese were a symbol of the Holy Spirit. It's a nice reminder of the Spirit's persistence in our lives and the lengths God goes to in order to get our attention. I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas season. Keep celebrating.

Our office hours are different this holiday week. We will be closed on Wednesday for New Year’s Day. On Tuesday and Thursday, the church office will close early. 

It’s been an incredible year at Woodland. I’m spending time this week reflecting on the past year in our church's life and dreaming about the year ahead. Our annual State of the Church meeting on January 26 will be a time to reflect and dream collectively. I hope you will plan to stick around for lunch after worship that day in Maresh Hall. 
 Grace and peace,
Garrett Vickrey


Church Council, Ashley Allen


Pastoral letter, from Garrett