Pastoral letter, from Garrett

Happy Thanksgiving! A dear friend shared this quote on gratitude from the poet David Whyte, “Thankfulness finds its full measure in generosity of presence, both through participation and witness.” Wherever you are this week, I hope you are fully present and open to recognizing the gifts of each moment.

The church office will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday (FYI— we are always closed on Fridays).

December 1 is the first Sunday of Advent. We will light the candle of hope. This year's Advent theme is “Shine.” As we prepare to celebrate Christ's coming into the world again, we will focus our worship on renewing the Baptismal Call to “Go and let your light shine before others.” We will read from the epistles in worship and encourage each other to be the light of Christ during the darkest part of the year.

December 4 will be our Hope & Healing Service. This is a contemplative service we do each year. It’s especially meant to be a helpful service for those who have gone through grief. This year, the focus will be on practicing the presence of God. Diana Bridges will be our preacher. Is there someone you know who might benefit from this worship experience? Invite them to come with you. Worship begins at 6 p.m. in the Atrium. The service usually lasts 35 minutes.

Grace & peace,

Garrett Vickrey


Pastoral letter, from Garrett


Pastoral letter, from Garrett