Pastoral letter, from Garrett

Sunday marked the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is a four-week season meant to prepare us for Christmas. The season trains our attention so that we might not only remember Jesus’ birth but also see the coming of Christ in the world today. 

On Sunday, the sanctuary was packed with poinsettias. Over the next two weeks, most of them will leave the chancel to be delivered to people in our community who cannot often be present with us. Our Bridges to Care Ministry will deliver these poinsettias to church members who are homebound or experiencing difficulty. These bright plants will hopefully serve as a reminder of God’s presence and that they are on our minds and in our prayers. 

Our Hope & Healing Service is this Wednesday (Dec 4) at 6 p.m. This is a contemplative service we do each year. It’s especially meant to be a helpful service for those who have gone through grief. This year, the focus will be on practicing the presence of God. Diana Bridges will be our preacher. Is there someone you know who might benefit from this worship experience? Invite them to come with you. Worship begins at 6 p.m. in the Atrium. The service usually lasts 35 minutes.

This Saturday is a busy day at Woodland. In the morning, there will be the annual Christmas Gift-Making Workshop. At 3 p.m., there will be a SAYC Christmas concert and dessert fellowship fundraiser. The concert is a fundraiser, so you will need to purchase tickets
Grace and peace,
Garrett Vickrey


Pastoral letter, from Garrett


Pastoral letter, from Garrett