Haven for Hope

Coat, Hat, Cap, Scarves, Glove, Blanket Drive

One Day Only: Sunday, January 19

We found out last night that Haven for Hope has run out of cold-weather clothing to distribute to children and adults.

With extremely cold temperatures coming next week, now is the time to make a difference for our most vulnerable neighbors.

We are organizing a collection of new and gently used coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and blankets to help those in need.

Please bring your donations to the Atrium or the Foyer, where you’ll find a designated drop-off table. (Just a reminder: the blue barrels are for the Super Bowl of Caring Food Drive.)

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. I will take these items to Haven on Sunday afternoon.

Thank you for your generosity in helping our community stay warm and safe!

Thank you!
Lance Mayes
Associate Pastor of Community Engagement


Pastoral letter, from Garrett


Church Council, Ashley Allen