Daniel Zamora

Associate Pastor of Music and Organist

Started at Woodland: August 1, 2012

Daniel Zamora


Born and raised in Mexico, Dr. Daniel Zamora received his BA in Music from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and both master and doctorate from the extinct Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth. He has served in churches across Texas and Mexico for the last forty years. Besides the schools mentioned above, he taught at the Baptist University of the Americas and the Mexican Baptist Theological Seminary. His articles, compositions, hymn arrangements, and translations have been published by the Baptist Spanish Publishing House, Goeller Music, Celebrating Grace Inc., and Sheet Music Plus. He has two grown-up sons: Dan (& Marla) and Michael.

Roles at Woodland

Provide instrumental music for regular and special services, accompany the Sanctuary choir, assist and substitute for the Associate minister of worship and coordinate the Children’s Choirs program.


Walking/running, biking, swimming and watching movies

Favorite Scripture

Psalm 91

Favorite Hymn


What advice would you give to your teenage self?

“Be strong and take heart” Psalm 27:14

Are you musical?

Organ, piano, and accordion.