Lisa Shinkins

Minister to Children & Administrative Coordinator

Started at Woodland: July 23, 2018

Lisa Shinkins


BS in Science with Major in Elementary Education and Minor in Music from Oklahoma Baptist University
Master’s in computer education and Cognitive Systems from North Texas University
Children’s Ministry Certificate from Texas Baptist

Public School Teacher in Texas for 15 years
Computer Coordinator/teacher in Kyiv, Ukraine for 3 years
4th/5th Grade Teacher in Amman, Jordan for 2 years

Roles at Woodland

I work with Babies to 6th Grade. I plan all things for the children with the help of the Children’s Committee. I love to go to Preteen Camp and help run Vacation Bible School. I am editor of the TWIG/eTWIG.


Reading, Traveling, Crafting, fishing

Favorite Scripture

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

Favorite Hymn

O For A Thousand Tongues

Worst job you've ever had, and what did you learn from it?

McDonalds – I learned that I don’t like the 5 am shift and that the grease smell is hard to get out of your clothes! Seriously, I learned to appreciate what I had and that I did not want to work at McDonalds.

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Don’t listen to other people or think you have to get their approval – be yourself!

Are you musical?

I like to sing. I had a voice scholarship to Oklahoma Baptist University.

What is your favorite board game, card game, or table game?

Crummy Rummy – It is a card game.

Favorite place to eat in San Antonio

El Mirosal

Do you have any pets?

Mika, the Shih tzu

Mika, the Shih tzu

Mika, the Shih tzu, in the snow

Mika in the snow