At the Peak End

By Garrett Vickrey Psalm 105:1-11, 37-45 Nobel Prize winning researcher Daniel Kahneman has come up with a theory as to how we experience and remember suffering. He studied the experience…

Remember the Wonders

By Barbara Higdon Psalm 105:1-11, 37-45 In the Christian calendar, Lent is generally a time for solemn reflection on God’s sacrifice on the cross to save us from ourselves.  Beginning…


By David Goree Psalm 22:23-31 My mom and I were in our Ford station wagon on a narrow country road on an errand I have since forgotten. I, a skinny…

God is Near

By Ellen Di Giosia Psalm 22:23-31 In this season of Lent, we are reflecting on God’s promises fulfilled in the stories of scripture. From God’s creation of humankind, through the…


By Bridgette Langford Psalm 77 It is so easy to get sucked into the world around us. There is a certain routine that life has.  We often forget to stop…