Icy Waters

By Lori Tyler Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 One summer my family and I lived in Northern Ireland. We stayed at a retreat center on the cliffs of the Irish Sea. You…


By David Goree Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 I have always loved the hymn “Redeemed,” both the original Fanny Crosby/William J.Kirkpatrick collaboration and the very Seventies re-mix we sang in youth group…


By Bridgette Langford Psalm 84 Can you remember the last time you just sat in silence and had a conversation with the Lord? I am talking about quiet time away…


By Christie Goodman Psalm 19 West Texas. Flat. Dry. Tumbleweeds. Dust storms. Oh, but what a sky! Growing up in that place, I saw many instances when daily duties and…

Grammar 101

By Daniel Zamora Psalm 19 Perfect, trustworthy, right, radiant, pure, sure, righteous, precious and sweet. What do all these words have in common? Yes, they all are adjectives. We normally…

Sing Praises to God

By Ed Twedt Psalm 105:1-11,37-45 This beautiful psalm is the story of Israel’s history, beginning with Abraham, and God’s promises to him, and God’s covenant with him. In this poignant…